ISS Global Webinar “Equity in Permanency” (19st March,21st March)

A Global Advocacy Paper on ‘Equity in Permanency’ was recently developed by International Social Service (ISS) members in Australia, Canada, Japan, UK, and the USA, in collaboration with ISS General Secretariat. ‘Equity in Permanency’ refers to principles of child protection practice that prioritise the exploration of family placements, without discrimination of any kind, to achieve optimal long-term outcomes for the child. These principles is developed for cross-border families through the historical practice of ISS branches and members around the world.
Global Webinar
Join us for this webinar where we will share an overview of the principles, highlighting the importance of exploring cross border family connections for children in care. We will provide practical case examples on implementing the principles and invite participants to join us on a journey to embed the principles in policy and practice.
・Asia/Pacific, Thursday 21st March,
10:00 HKT, 11:00 JST, 13:00 AEDT, 15:00 NZT
・Europe/America/Middle East Tuseday 19st March,
14:00-15:00 GMT
Webinar registration:website